COVID Safe Operations


Vaccination Policy

In accordance with the the Ontario Government’s recent announcement, as of October 31, 2021, all students aged 12+ will need to provide proof of vaccination, along with photo ID, in order to participate in indoor gym/ recreation (including dance studio) settings. Students need to have both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, plus 14 days, to be considered fully vaccinated.

Limited Class Sizes

All Youth classes will have limited spots available, to allow for safe social distancing. Class sizes will range from 4-12 students per room.

Individual Dance Areas

Students will have their own individual dance area inside the studio.

Time Gaps Between Classes

We have added gaps of 5-10 minutes between classes, to allow for less student cross-over during class transitions.

Frequent Studio Sanitization

During class transitions, each studio will be sanitized with medical grade anti-viral disinfectant before the next group enters the room. Bathrooms and high-touch point areas will also be sanitized every hour.

Mandatory Hand Washing

All students are required to wash their hands upon entering the building. Each room is also equipped with hand sanitizer stations available for frequent use.

Pick Ups and Drop offs outside of studio

To limit exposure inside the building, all student drop offs and pick ups will take place outside of the studio.

Masks Are Mandatory

Masks will be required by participants and staff at all times.

Limited Sharing 

Classes will run in cohorts that don’t mix, with each studio being designated a specific bathroom for their class’ use.

Students will be provided with individual equipment (acro mats, etc.) which will be sanitized before and after every use with medical grade anti-viral disinfectant spray.

Water Fountain Off Limits

For sanitary reasons, our water fountain will be off limits, and only touchless bottle refills will be available at our water station.

Quality Air Circulation

Students can expect fresh air from our open windows, and high quality air circulation from our HVAC systems, with no recycled air.

Contact Tracing

All staff are required to fill out a contact tracing form prior to arrival, verifying that they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms, have not travelled outside of Canada and/ or been exposed to the COVID-19 virus in the last 14 days. 

All students are also required to have a contact tracing form filled out on their behalf, bi-weekly, verifying that they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms, have not travelled outside of Canada and/ or been exposed to the COVID-19 virus in the last 14 days.